
SECTION A: Answer One (1) Question.
(1) THEME OF LONELINESS lonelinesses is one of the major themes in the novel “lonely days”.even right from the little of the novel itself.one can rightly deduce its major themes to be loneliness. During widowhood,as shown in the novel women in African societies pass through a lot of problem causing their loneliness. In the novel,windows are depicted as lonely beings who have no one with whom to share their sorrow with,as they are normal discarded by family member mostly that of their late husband. This their loneliness stems out of the fact that the family member of the late husband make them go through member of the late husband make them go through a hell of castigation and suffering as they are normal accused of killing their late husband. Instance of these castigation and suffering can be seen in the experience of deceive ,radeke and fayoyin,whose husband died before that of yaremi’s. In the novel,the window of the land are united with the same Norton and common sense of loss which included the loss of dignity and status. Another factors that contribute to their loneliness as depicted in the novel is that window are expected to pick another husband in ” a cap- picking ceremony “as against their wills this is the experience of the like of dedewe,fayoyin and radeke,yaremi’s refusal does not go down well with elders of the collage as she has contravened widowhood injunction and as such she us ostracized contributing to her loneliness

SECTION B: Answer one (1) Question.

SECTION C: Answer one (1) Question.
(7) kindo is the son of king and head of warrior of mandoland a Hunter and their apparent to the throne of mande. Kondo is an upright defender of mandoland he is willing to defend his culture and his people even his own hurt he is very young and only a boy when he fought in his first war has very sensitive instinct feels evil in the air easily very sensitive to a crooked situation an ambitious character he is stubborn and also Impatient love and protects the custom of his people his falsehood manifest in some way he for instance sleep outside the cave where he is supposed to be as the chief priest of
the village but make the people believed that he does.

SECTION D: Answer one (1) Question.

(12) Mr hard castle is the father of Kate. Characteristically,Mr hard castle hate worldly things (material thing) this can be seen in the wife way and manner he always tell his wife and daughter who are interested in (fascinated ) in such things to stop having as a though of going to London to learn the late fashion also it can be seen when he stop his daughter from dressing to impress. Mr hard castle has learnt through the play is conservation in nature this is obvious in the way he likes old thing ad well as the manner he cheriches old custom his likeness for old things can be rightly seen in his word in the play thus I have everything that is old,old friend,old times,old manner,old book,old wine,and I believed I have been pretty fond of a old wife this conservative native of Mr hard castle is furthered confirmed by his wife, when she call him piece antiquity . Another distinct characteristic of Mr hard castle is
that, he is not easily put off by anyone this can be seen when Marlow and hasting arrive at his house thinking the place is an inn,whatever he say is put off by the young men but Mr hard castle continues also when he is relating his favourite story (of duke of Marlborough) and his army the two men try as much as possible to snub him but he continue without given a damm. Again,he is not political pertisan as he does not engage in partisan political he is also sensible to issues.

SECTION E: Answer one (1) Question.

(15) the poem “ambush” centre on obstacle of life discuss. The poem “ambush” is a peom of four stanzas with twenty-one of unequal lines.the peom has
written by adeoti,indeed centre on obstacles of life that society imposes on the being (living things). The post metaphorically conveys such obstacles in each of the stanza that makes up the poem. To being with the stanza one the post - adeoti,metaphorically compared the land with “giants whale” that swallows the sinker hook line and bants tleve this implies that the land is a killer of dreams it kills the yearnings aspirations of it people the people as compared with the fisherman and up going home with empty ship on a sad note Stanza two here again the point continue by comparing directly the land with a sebres- toothed tiger whose roaring creates not only fear but also chivering in the heart of little animals. This implies another obstacles that hinders the adinevement of people goals in the land In the third stanza the poet further by comparing the land to a faint hank whose hoovering in the space send chives to the spin of the chicken. Here again the poet implies that the land is nothing but a terminator of dream and yarming of its people. Finally the poet use the last stanza to further emphasis how the land patients lay ambush to those who turned to other direction for possible
opportunities here the poet means that the land again lay ambush to as well destroy the success of those who travel out of the shores of the so called land..

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